about me

With Houston roots, I've now settled into the vibrant creative landscape of New Orleans. After graduating from the University of Texas with a Film degree, I've built a career in editing and creative work. When I'm not editing, you'll find me writing fiction, painting, crocheting, journaling, and playing video games.

Crafting visual stories is my passion. Since 2021, I've worked in the wedding video industry as a freelancer and have delivered over 500 videos. I would love to dive deeper into narrative film and music video editing, helping artists transform their creative visions into realities.

  • The best way to contact me is through email:


  • It all depends on the project type, length, and amount of footage delivered. I work with each client to match a mutually beneficial budget! Shoot me an email and we can discuss your project.

  • I would love to edit someone’s feature film—it’s a goal of mine!

    My lifelong dream is also to be a published fiction author. I love all kinds of creative endeavors outside of film!

  • Yes! Any of my current clients will be able to write a referral if you are interested in working with me.

  • Leo Sun, Leo Moon, and Pisces Rising :)

For fun, check out the first film I ever made in high school. I’ve come a long way!